This page contains current information for landowners, property owners and others living and working in the area affected by the rail line.
Surveys related to planning
Various field surveys will be carried out in relevant areas during the planning stage of the rail link. Accurate information about the soil is necessary for planning so that the planning solutions produced for the new line will be as viable and practicable as possible.
Soil and rock surveys and measurements were conducted along the railway line alignment and the related passages and bridges in 2022–2024. This work took place in the residential, traffic, field and forest areas in the municipalities that are located along the line.
West Railway Ltd has published initial planning notices in accordance with the Rail Tracks Act, which entitle the company to conduct surveys and measurements and to access survey sites. These notices have been published on the website of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom and in local papers in the region.
Landowners and property owners will be notified of the surveys by a letter sent to their home address or by some other means of communication at least one week before the surveys begin. After receiving the letter, landowners are asked to contact the ground survey consultant to agree on the routes to survey sites.
You can monitor the progress of the plans for each area at the address and on the Newsroom page at You can also join our mailing list by sending a message to info(a)
Damages to landowners
West Railway Ltd is responsible for surveys that have begun after fall 2021. Whenever machines are driven across terrain, they always leave some marks behind. The survey consultant is responsible for repairing any road and ditch damage that they cause and for removing any signs that they place on the site. Not all marks are damage and not all marks entitle landowners to damages.
If actual damages need to be paid, the survey consultant will prepare a damage report together with the property owner or landowner, and the company will handle the report. The damage report will be used to report any damages to forestry, agriculture, yards or gardens.
In terms of damages to forestry, the damage will be estimated on the basis of the tree species and diameter. In addition to damages, an expected value increment is paid for young trees. The damages are determined according to market prices. Damages to agriculture and yards and gardens are estimated using the Guidelines for assessment and damages (in Finnish) of the National Land Survey of Finland.
If you have any questions concerning the surveys or damages, please contact kim.andersson-berlin(a)
Land and property expropriation
The railway plans show the areas that will be required for the line. The expropriation of land and property that is necessary for and related to the rail line will become relevant after the railway plans have been completed and an investment decision on constructing the railway has been made.
A decision on construction has not yet been made. You can find the latest information on the progress of the project on the Schedule page.
You can find information on the expropriation policies of the government in transport infrastructure projects on the pages of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

Tommi Latva
Project Manager